Wurtsboro Airport has a long history and specializes in glider or sailplane instruction. The terms glider and sailplane are used interchangeably. We provide glider instruction for those seeking Federal Aviation Administration Pilots Certificate with a Private, Commercial or Flight Instructor rating. We also provide instruction for add on glider ratings to those already possessing a Pilots Certificate.
For a new pilot the sequence is flight instruction with our flight instructor until competent to solo. The amount of pre-solo instruction varies widely with individuals, and their schedules. When ready to solo the flight instructor gives an in-house written exam and then endorses the pilots logbook for solo. At that time the new pilot will be able to soar by themselves. Usually during this time the solo pilot is preparing for and takes the FAA Written Exam.
The required flight experience for a Private Pilot Glider Rating is:
10 hours total time (instruction and solo)
20 instruction flights with an instructor
2 solo hours and 10 solo flights
The final step is the Private Pilot Practical Test for the glider rating. This is taken with an examiner authorized by the FAA. To prepare for this test we suggest Bob Wander’s Glider Practical Test Prep Made Easy. Successful completion of the practical test allows the new pilot to use his new license to take non-licensed individuals soaring.
Interested in learning to fly with us?
Fill out the form below and we’ll get in touch.
Glider Instruction
We provide glider instruction for those seeking Federal Aviation Administration Pilots Certificate with a Private, Commercial or Flight Instructor rating.
Airplane Instruction
Our Certified Flight Instructors will walk you through the process to get you soloed and on to your private power pilots license.
Wurtsboro offers power instruction in a beautiful and professionally maintained Cessna 172. Known as one of the best and most common trainer aircraft, the Cessna 172 is the perfect place to start your life in aviation. Our Certified Flight Instructors will walk you through the process to get you soloed and on to your private power pilots license. Instruction is available by the hour and we offer all of the materials you will need to get you on your way. Once you get your rating come back anytime and rent the airplane that you trained in until you buy your first aircraft.
Add-on Glider Rating
Pilots with at least 40 hours of flight time are only required to have 3 hours of flight time and 10 solo flights in gliders [FAR 61.109 (f)].
Individuals holding a pilot certificate are not required to take the FAA’s glider written test. The text we use for home study for new pilots preparing to take this written exam is the FAA Glider Flying Handbook and the ASA Glider Test Prep.