Pilot Information
Always watch for traffic.
Wurtsboro Airport has a large volume of glider traffic. Always give way to gliders. They are most commonly located between 2000 and 6000 MSL along the ridge next to the airport, but may be anywhere at any altitude below 18000 MSL. The vast majority have radios and use them, but that still leaves many that do not.
Closest TAF: KSWF
Closest METAR: KMGJ (10 NM E), KMSV (15 NM NW)
Straight in landings are NOT RECOMMENDED.
Straight in landings do not allow other traffic to observe you or you to observe other traffic that is not using a radio. Please do the right thing and overfly the field at 2000 MSL (1500 AGL) to observe traffic and enter an appropriate traffic pattern.
Traffic Pattern for all runways is left traffic.
Yes, left traffic. On runway 23 this means flying below the top of the ridge that runs parallel to the runway. Traffic pattern height is 1350 (800 AGL) to compensate for the reduced area to maneuver. It might take you a few tries but it is very natural once you see how it works. You CANNOT do large patterns at N82 - if you end up more than a mile and a half from the runway you will confuse other traffic and might get cut off. Avoid confusion and keep your patterns appropriately sized for a smaller field.
Visiting Pilots
Visiting pilots should park on the ramp but not block the fuel tank. Grass parking (with a tiedown cable) is available midfield SE of the main ramp on the other side of a clump of trees. All grass areas are okay to taxi onto and off of from the taxiways - do not exit or enter the main runway onto/from the grass as there are drainage grates that are very hard to see positioned along the side of the runway.
Be considerate.
Our Catskills Region is home to an idyllic, quiet landscape and community. Please respect our neighbors’ privacy and peace by using your discretion to avoid low flying over residential areas.